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As we all know that on March 25, prime minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-days nationwide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 outbreak which effecting various business badly, so for ignoring the impact of this novel COVID-19 on business and protect the business in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and if you want to keep your company healthy as a horse during the coronavirus the outbreak, you should follow the tips that I am describing below.
1.      Create a plan: -  As coronavirus spreads, more business are putting safeguards in place to protect their companies.
Include the following information in your plan:
·         Steps you are taking to protect employees
·         What to do if an outbreak occurs in your business.
·         How employees can contact you in case of emergency
·         What will happen to business operation if your business is infected

       Establish a work from home policy, if possible: - If you don’t have a work from home policy or plan, now is the best time to add one, my friends. With coronavirus in every state, business is finding alternative work arrangements to keep employees from coming into the office and avoiding contact.
Depending on your industry and business, you may not be able to give employees the luxury of working from home. Maybe you don’t have or can’t afford additional equipment. Or, maybe employees need to interact with customers face to face as part of their position.
If at all possible, consider establishing a work from home policy. Include things like employee eligibility, remote procedures, and guidelines. Also include rules for temporary remote work in your policy.

3.      Inform Managers about updates: - When it comes to protect your business you must, must, must communicate with your managers and keep them up to date.
To keep your business safe during this pandemic, you have to do your research. Check the CDC’s website every day for more information about the outbreak.
After you do your homework, relay that information to managers and supervisors as soon as possible. That way, they are up to speed about the situation and where your business stands.
       Keep your Employees posted: - Just like managers and supervisors, you absolutely need to keep your employees posted, too. To communicate coronavirus related news to your employees, you can send out memos or emails or have a mandatory company meeting (via video chat, of course).
There are one more tip to save your business during this lockdown:

 Digital transformation for business: - COVID-19 is accelerating digital transformation for business: There are some ways to elaborate on this which is mentioned below:

·         Video & zoom calls: - All business activities have to move online via video conferencing\ zoom calls. Managing customer's relations through video- conferencing maintaining the personal touch will earn brownie points and it will very beneficial for our business in this current situation (worldwide lockdown).
·         A communication chain: - while following efficient work from home policy, it is important to develop a robust communication chain in your the organisation to avoid loopholes to ensure an integrated response both internally and externally.
·         Data theft: - In the race for being digitally equipped admits the global change in the way, the business will function, make sure to have the system in place to combat internal threats such as data leaks and external ones such as cyber hacks and re-architect the infrastructure to make technology and process more resilient.
·         Inform: - Ensure your company regularly updates the antivirus software, keep a 24-hour IT helpline so that no work is disrupted, educate all your stakeholders about potential phishing emails.
So, at the above I have discussed the ways to save                         
          Your business from this current situation(lockdown). According to you what should be the more idea or tips to save or protect the business from this worldwide lockdown?

                                          PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE NOW


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